WasPentalive's Trek

WasPentalive [Ronald Hudson] 7th December 2022 at 8:57pm
' WasPentalive's Trek

Version$ = "1.0.0" ' Feature Complete (for now) 
' Expecting only bugfixes unless new ideas come in

' Version$="0.3.41"  Zounds! sounds!
' estabished failsound and goodsound subroutines
' goodsound for giving your ship a name, failsound for letting it default.
'  Version$ = "0.3.40"  Klingon Bases
' Klingons will build a base wherever 4 klingon ships are in one sector
' Phasors can not hurt a base. Photon Torpedos only kill a base 30% of the time
' Bases can build Klingon ships as needed to keep the population at 4 
' one ship at a time
' - because of that you must kill the base first, then at least 1 klingon.
' - bases are placed in Buildasector
' - bases build klingon ships in MkStatus
' - btw Klingon bases can only happen where 4 klingons have killed a base
'   because at most only 3 klingons in a sector unless there is a base
' BUG FIX - able to enter non integer coordinates in impulse
' Version$ = "0.3.36" 
' Garbled message on phasor klingons destroyed - fixed
' fixed "fire phasors costs no energy" it should cost - a lot.
' Low energy warning
' Added Fan Based Disclaimer- and let player name the ship

' "0.3.35" ' per request add color alert status, remove "under attack" display
' also adding version display during universe build
' also added color to repair status

' speeding up klingon attack reports'

' swapping x and y in UI
' fix spelling error
' re-arrange warp arrival so LRS shows new ship location immidiatly

print " ==================================="
print " A Nearly traditional Star Trek game"
print " ==================================="
print " This game is a STAR TREK FAN PRODUCTION: "
print " Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned "
print " by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored  "
print " by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek "
print " franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made game intended for recreational"
print " use. No commercial distribution is permitted. No alleged independent "
print " rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures."
print "press any key when ready ";
gosub twirly
print "Gnu General Public License"
print "Trek or WasPentalive's Trek. A Nearly traditiona Star Trek Game"
print "Copyright (C) 2022 Ronald Hudson. 
print "This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify"
print "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by"
print "the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or"
print "(at your option) any later version."
print "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
print "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
print "GNU General Public License for more details.
print "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License"
print "along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
print "This licenses only applies to the Basic source code as prepeared for the "
print "Basic anywhere machine. "
print "The Basic Anywhere Machine has its own permissive license"
Print "======================================================================"
input "Please Name your Starship:";SN$
if sn$ = "" then 
	sn$ = "NX3105 Excalibur"
	gosub failsound
	gosub goodsound
end if

screen 8
COLOR 14, 0

DIM s(9, 9)
DIM q(9, 9, 4)
DIM devstat(8)
DIM devshort$(8)
DIM devname$(8)

srs = 1: devshort$(1) = "SRS": devname$(1) = "Short Range Sensors"
lrs = 2: devshort$(2) = "LRS": devname$(2) = "Long Range Sensors"
ida = 3: devshort$(3) = "IDA": devname$(3) = "Impulse Drive Assy"
wda = 4: devshort$(4) = "WDA": devname$(4) = "Warp Drive Assy"
pha = 5: devshort$(5) = "PHA": devname$(5) = "Phaser Banks"
pho = 6: devshort$(6) = "PHO": devname$(6) = "Photon Torpedo Launcher"
shg = 7: devshort$(7) = "SHG": devname$(7) = "Shield Generator"
cmp = 8: devshort$(8) = "CMP": devname$(8) = "Library Computer"

aEmpty = 0
astar = 1
abase = 2
aklingon = 3
aStarship = 4
aPhotorp = 5
aKbase = 6

coward = 0
kbase = 0

dmg$ = ""

gosub BuildSectors

tp = 10
eng = 3000
dz = INT(klingons * 400 / bases)
esx = INT(RND(1) * 8) + 1
esy = INT(RND(1) * 8) + 1
eqx = INT(RND(1) * 8) + 1
eqy = INT(RND(1) * 8) + 1
dmg$ = "Ship Initial Location (" + eqy + "." + esy + "," + eqx + "." + esx + ") "

print "WasPentalive's Trek Version:";version$
gosub orders
gosub twirly

FOR I = 1 TO 8: devstat(I) = 99: NEXT I

alive = 1
gosub buildasector
	 gosub mkstatus
    gosub display
    gosub command
    IF alive THEN gosub kattack
    gosub eogtest

    FOR x = 1 TO 8
        FOR y = 1 TO 8
            s(x, y) = 0
        NEXT y
    NEXT x

    s(esx, esy) = 4
	 kbase = 0
	 if q(eqx,eqy,aklingon) > 3 and q(eqx,eqy,abase) = 0 then
	 	kbase = 1
		kbx = int(rnd(1)*8)+1
		kby = int(rnd(1)*8)+1
		s(kbx,kby) = akbase
	 end if

    FOR t = 1 TO 3
        FOR e = 1 TO q(eqx, eqy, t)
                x = INT(RND(1) * 8) + 1
                y = INT(RND(1) * 8) + 1
            LOOP while s(x, y) > 0
            s(x, y) = t

        NEXT e
    NEXT t


    bases = 0
    klingons = 0

    FOR x = 1 TO 8
        FOR y = 1 TO 8

            st = INT(RND(1) * 6) + 1
            IF st > 4 THEN st = 4

            ba = INT(RND(1) * 3)
            IF ba > 1 THEN ba = 0

            kl = INT(RND(1) * 4) + ba

            q(x, y, astar) = st
            q(x, y, abase) = ba
            q(x, y, aklingon) = kl
            q(x, y, astarship) = 0

            bases = bases + ba
            klingons = klingons + kl
        NEXT y
    NEXT x
	 ' record original numbers of these
	 zbase = bases
	 zklin = klingons

    PRINT "Command [PTRWIQ?] :"
        a$ = INKEY$
    LOOP WHILE a$ = ""

    a$ = UCASE$(a$)

    CASE "P"
        gosub phasor
    CASE "T"
        gosub photorp
    CASE "R"
        FOR I = 1 TO 8
            IF devstat(I) < 99 THEN
                r = INT(RND(1) * 5)
                devstat(I) = devstat(I) + r
                IF devstat(I) > 99 THEN devstat(I) = 99
            END IF
        NEXT I
        dz = dz - 1
        eng = eng + INT(RND(1) * 30)
        dmg$ = "Spent one day repairing systems"
    CASE "W"
        gosub warpdrive
    CASE "I"
        gosub Impulse
    CASE "Q"
	     coward = 1
        alive = 0
	 CASE "="
	     input "device :";dev
		  input "repair :";rep
		  devstat(dev) = rep
    CASE "-"
        dmg$ = "Q zaps all the klingons here for you, but it cost you days"
        klingons = klingons - q(eqx, eqy, aklingon)
        days = days - q(eqx, eqy, aklingon)
        q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) = 0
        gosub buildasector

	 CASE "?"
        PRINT "+------------------+------------------------------------------+"
        PRINT "| T Photon Torpedo | Kills one target very dead               |"
        PRINT "| P Phasors        | Kills all targets, takes a lot of energy |"
        PRINT "| W Warp Drive     | Travel to other sectors                  |"
        PRINT "| I Impulse Drive  | Travel within this sector                |"
        PRINT "| R Repair         | Take a day for repair                    |"
        PRINT "| ? Help           | Print this list                          |"
        PRINT "| Q Quit           | End Simulation                           |"
        PRINT "+------------------+------------------------------------------+"
        gosub orders
        gosub twirly
        dmg$ = "Directive " + a$ + " is not recognised. please re-state"

    stat$ = "GREEN "
    FOR disx = -1 TO 1
        FOR disy = -1 TO 1
            q(eqx + disx, eqy + disy, 4) = 1
            IF s(esx + disx, esy + disy) = abase THEN stat$ = "DOCKED"
        NEXT disy
    NEXT disx
    IF q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) > 0 THEN stat$ = "RED"
	 if kbase = 1 then stat$ = "BLACK"

    IF stat$ = "DOCKED" THEN
        dmg$ = "Starbase replenish and Repair"
		  disppause = 1
        tp = 10
        eng = 3000
		  ' starbase repairs
        FOR disI = 1 TO 8
            IF devstat(disI) < 99 THEN
                devstat(disI) = (devstat(disI) + INT(RND(1) * 10))
					 if devstat(disI) > 99 then devstat(disI) = 99
            END IF
        NEXT disI
    END IF

    COLOR 14, 0
    locate 1,1
    PRINT SN$;" ("; eqy; "."; esy; ","; eqx; "."; esx; ") "
    PRINT "Days:"; dz; " Energy:"; eng; " Photorp:"; tp;
    PRINT " Status:";
	 if stat$="DOCKED" then color 9
	 if stat$="RED" then color 12
	 if stat$="GREEN " then color 10
	 if stat$="BLACK" then color 0,1
	 Print stat$; 
	 color 14,0
	 PRINT " SBK Bases:"; bases; " Klingons:"; klingons
    PRINT " ========================================================================"
    PRINT "   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  DEV %%   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8"
	 PRINT " ========================================================================"

    FOR disx = 1 TO 8
        PRINT RIGHT$(STR$(disx), 1); "|";
        FOR disy = 1 TO 8
            IF disx = esx AND disy = esy THEN PRINT "[";  ELSE PRINT " ";
            IF devstat(srs) < INT(RND(1) * 99) THEN
                PRINT "@";
					 select case s(disx,disy)
					 case aempty
					 	color 14,0
					   print ".";
					 case astar  
					 	color 14,0
					 	print "*";

					 case aklingon
					 	color 12,0
					 	print "-";
					 case abase
					 	color 10,0
					 	print "#";
					 case astarship
					 	color 10,0
					 	print "+";
				    case aPhotorp
					 	 color 9,0
					    print "!";
					 case akbase
					    color 0,1
						 print "=";
					 case else
					   color 0,15
					 	print "?";
					 end select
					 color 14,0
            END IF
            IF disx = esx AND disy = esy THEN PRINT "]";  ELSE PRINT " ";
        NEXT disy
		  color 14,0
        PRINT "|";
		  if devstat(disx) <= 98 then color 11,0
		  if devstat(disx) <= 70 then color 13,0
		  if devstat(disx) <= 40 then color 15,0
		  if devstat(disx) <= 20 then color 12,0
		  if devstat(disx) <= 10 then color 12,3
		  PRINT devshort$(disx); ":"; RIGHT$("00" + STR$(devstat(disx)), 2);
		  color 14,0
		  Print "|";
        FOR disy = 1 TO 8
		  		n$ = "???"
            IF devstat(lrs) < INT(RND(1) * 99) or devstat(cmp) < int(rnd(1)*99) THEN
                n$ = "=@="
                IF q(disx, disy, 4) = 0 THEN
                    n$ = "..."
                    n$ = ""
                    n$ = n$ + RIGHT$(STR$(q(disx, disy, astar)), 1)
                    n$ = n$ + RIGHT$(STR$(q(disx, disy, abase)), 1)
                    n$ = n$ + RIGHT$(STR$(q(disx, disy, aklingon)), 1)
                END IF
            END IF
            IF eqx = disx AND eqy = disy THEN PRINT "[";  ELSE PRINT " ";
            COLOR 14, 0
            IF q(disx, disy, abase) > 0 THEN COLOR 9, 0
            IF q(disx, disy, aklingon) > 0 THEN COLOR 4, 0
				if q(disx, disy, aklingon) >0 and q(disx,disy,abase)> 0 then color 4,2
            IF q(disx, disy, 4) = 0 THEN COLOR 14, 0
				if q(disx, disy, aklingon) = 4 and q(disx,disy,abase) = 0 then color 0,1
            PRINT n$;
            COLOR 14, 0

            IF eqx = disx AND eqy = disy THEN PRINT "]";  ELSE PRINT " ";
        NEXT disy
        PRINT right$("  "+str$(disx),2)
    NEXT disx
    PRINT " ========================================================================"
    PRINT "   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8           1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8"
	 PRINT " ========================================================================"
    PRINT dmg$
    dmg$ = ""


' end of game testing

if eng < 80 then
	dmg$ = "WARNING: Energy reserves are critially low "
	gosub display
	gosub twirly
end if

' did computer system fail due to damage - forgets everything
    if devstat(cmp) < int(rnd(1)*99) then
	    for cmpx = 1 to 8
		 	for cmpy = 1 to 8
				q(cmpx,cmpy,4) = 0
			next cmpy
		 next cmpx
		 dmg$ = "Ship's computer has failed due to battle damage, memory erased"
		 gosub failsound
		 gosub display
		 gosub twirly
	 end if

    ' Did we cut and run?
	 if coward = 1 then
		gosub failsound
		print "You have departed your patrol area with ";klingons;" combantants "
		print "remaining. On hearing of your dishonorable action the entire     "
		print "Klingon force remaining has now left for EARTH "
		print "You might as well head off to the Delta quadrant because "
		print "if there is a Federation left, you will be executed and court martialed"
		sleep .5
	 end if

    ' did we run out of energy?
    IF eng < 50 THEN
        alive = 0
		  gosub failsound
        PRINT "Your ship is so low on energy that only life support "
        PRINT "works. You are drifting, uncontrolled, waiting for   "
        PRINT "rescue from the nearest ...                          "
        PRINT "Klingon"
	     ' have we eliminated the klingon menace?
        IF klingons = 0 THEN
            alive = 0
				sound 300,10
				sound 400,20
				sound 200,10
				sound 500,20
            PRINT "You have destroyed every last invading Klingon! Earth is safe "
            PRINT "You and your crew are heros. Next stop -Risa!        "
		      ' Have we run out of time?
            IF dz = 0 THEN
                alive = 0
					 gosub failsound
                PRINT "Time is up. "; klingons; " Klingon warships are "
                PRINT "now headed for earth. They will take up the     "
                PRINT "battle in sector 001"
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

    IF devstat(ida) < INT(RND(1) * 99) THEN
        dmg$ = "Impulse Drive is Offline"
		  gosub failsound
        INPUT "Specify in sector destination x,y :"; y, x
		  if x<>int(x) or y<>int(y) then
		  		dmg$="Ignoring non-integer portion of the cordinates"
				x = int(x)
				y = int(y)
				gosub display
				sleep .5
		  end if
		  if x>8 or x<1 or y>8 or y<1 then
		  	   dmg$ = "Improper coordinates specified "
				gosub failsound
            IF s(x, y) <> 0 THEN
                dmg$ = "Navigation inhibited, destination occupied"
					 gosub failsound
                IF eng < 50 THEN
                    dmg$ = "Not enough energy for impulse transit"
						  gosub failsound
                    s(esx, esy) = 0
                    esx = x
                    esy = y
                    s(x, y) = 4
                    eng = eng - 50
                    dmg$ = "Transit Completed"
						  gosub goodsound
                END IF
		      END IF			 
        END IF
    END IF
	 gosub display
	 gosub twirly

    FOR x = 1 TO 8
        FOR y = 1 TO 8
            IF eqx = x AND eqy = y THEN

                FOR x1 = 1 TO 8
                    FOR y1 = 1 TO 8
                        IF s(x1, y1) = aklingon THEN
                            dm = INT(RND(1) * 8)
                            sy = INT(RND(1) * 8)
                            IF devstat(shg) => INT(RND(1) * 99) THEN sy = shg
									 if dm > devstat(sy) then dm = devstat(sy)
									 devstat(sy) = devstat(sy) - dm
									 dmg$= "Hit to "+devname$(sy)+", "+devstat(sy)+" remains"
									 gosub display
									 sleep .5
                        END IF
                    NEXT y1
                NEXT x1


                IF q(x, y, abase) > 0 AND q(x, y, aklingon) > 0 THEN
                    IF INT(RND(1) * 99) < 5 THEN
                        q(x, y, abase) = q(x, y, abase) - 1
                        bases = bases - 1
								dmg$ = "Starbase " + y + x + " is under attack"
                        dmg$ = dmg$+", and was destroyed"
								gosub display
								sleep 1
                    END IF
						  q(x,y,4) = 1
                END IF
				end if
        NEXT y
    NEXT x

    PRINT "                                              "
    PRINT " Current SitRep:                              "
    PRINT " ===================================================="
    PRINT " Current Location "
    PRINT " Sector ("; eqy;","; eqx; ")"
    PRINT " System ("; esy;","; esx; ")"
	 print " Energy :";eng;" Photorp Available:";tp
    PRINT " ===================================================="
    PRINT " You have "; bases; " bases for repair and resupply"
    PRINT " The Klingon invasion force numbers "; klingons;" warships"
    PRINT " We estimate they will begin the attack on earth "
    PRINT " in "; dz; " days"
    PRINT " ===================================================="
    PRINT "Original bases:";zbase;" Starting Klingons:",zklin

    if kbase then
	 	dmg$ = "Phasors are inhibited by a field generated by the klingon base"
		gosub failsound
		gosub display
		gosub twirly
	 end if
    IF devstat(pha) < INT(RND(1) * 99) THEN
        dmg$ = "Phasors offline "
		  gosub failsound
        IF q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) = 0 THEN
            dmg$ = "No valid targets in sector"
				gosub failsound
                INPUT "Phasor bank charge percentage: (0 to 99) :"; chg
            LOOP WHILE chg > 99 OR chg < 0
            IF chg * 10 > eng THEN
                dmg$ = "Not enough energy to charge to that level"
					 gosub failsound
					 gosub display
                kills = 0
					 eng = eng - (10 * chg)
                for phax = 1 to 8
					 	for phay = 1 to 8
							if s(phax,phay) = aklingon then
								if int(rnd(1)*99) < chg then
									s(phax,phay) = aempty
									klingons = klingons - 1
									dmg$ = "Klingon at "+phay+","+phax+" Destroyed           "
									kills = kills + 1
									q(eqx,eqy,aklingon) = q(eqx,eqy,aklingon) - 1
								   dmg$ = "Klingon at "+ phay + phax + " Remains "
								end if
								gosub display
								sleep .5
							end if
						next phay
					 next phax
                dz = dz - 1
					 drem = q(eqx,eqy,aklingon)
                dmg$ = kills + " Klingons destroyed " + drem + " remain. "
					 gosub goodsound
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF
	 gosub display
	 gosub twirly
	 if chg > 85 then
	 	dmg$ = "Warning : Charging phasors over 85% can cause damage"
		gosub display
		sleep 1
	 	if int(rnd(1)*99) < 50 or chg > 90 then
			dmg$="High charge to phasors has casused damage"
			gosub failsound
			gosub display
			sleep 1
			devstat(pha) = devstat(pha) - int(rnd(1)*20)+1
			if devstat(pha) < 0 then devstat(pha) = 1
		end if
	 end if

    IF devstat(pho) < INT(RND(1) * 99) THEN
        dmg$ = "Torpedo Launcher offline"
		  gosub failsound
        IF tp = 0 THEN
            dmg$ = "No Photon Torpedos"
				gosub failsound
            INPUT "Specify Target x,y :"; qy, qx
            IF s(qx, qy) <> aklingon and s(qx,qy) <> akbase THEN
                dmg$ = "Launch inhibit - target is not a hostile"
					 gosub failsound
                tp = tp - 1
					 tx = esx
                ty = esy
					     ' move the torpedo
                    IF tx > qx THEN tx = tx - 1
                    IF tx < qx THEN tx = tx + 1
                    IF ty > qy THEN ty = ty - 1
                    IF ty < qy THEN ty = ty + 1

						  ' and flash its new position
						  if s(tx,ty) = aempty then
						     s(tx,ty) = aPhotorp
							  gosub display
							  sleep .5
							  s(tx,ty) = aEmpty
						  end if
                LOOP WHILE s(tx, ty) = 0
					 if s(tx,ty) = akbase then
						 if int(rnd(1)*99) <= 30  then
							 dmg$="The klingon base was destroyed"
							 s(tx,ty) = aempty
							 kbase = 0
							 gosub goodsound
					       dmg$="The klingon base takes damage "
							 gosub failsound
						 end if
						 gosub display
						 gosub twirly
					 end if
                IF s(tx, ty) = aklingon THEN
                    s(tx, ty) = aempty
                    klingons = klingons - 1
                    q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) = q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) - 1
                    dmg$ = "Klingon at" + STR$(tx) + "," + STR$(ty) + " Destroyed"
						  if kbase then
						      dmg$ = "Klingon at" + STR$(tx) + "," + STR$(ty) 
								dmg$ = dmg$ + " replaced by the klingon base"
								q(eqx,eqy,aklingon) = q(eqx,eqy,aklingon) + 1
								s(tx,ty) = aklingon
								klingons = klingons + 1
								gosub failsound
						  		gosub goodsound
						  end if
                END IF

                IF s(tx, ty) = astar THEN
                    dmg$ = "The star burps"
                END IF

                IF s(tx, ty) = abase THEN
                    dmg$ = "That was OUR base, You destroyed our starbase"
						  gosub failsound
                    s(tx, ty) = aempty
                    bases = bases - 1
                    q(eqx, eqy, abase) = q(eqx, eqy, abase) - 1
                END IF
					 gosub display
                gosub twirly
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF

	sound 440,20
    c$ = "+-+-"
    row = CSRLIN
    col = POS(0)
    slant = 0
        LOCATE row, col
        PRINT MID$(c$, slant + 1 MOD 4, 1);
        slant = (slant + 1) MOD 4
		  SLEEP 0.06
		  k$ = inkey$
    LOOP while k$=""
	 locate row,col
	 print " ";

    IF devstat(wda) < INT(RND(1) * 100) THEN
        dmg$ = "Warp drive is offline"
           INPUT "Specify Destination Quadrant x,y  :"; y, x
			  x = int(x)
			  y = int(y)
		  loop while x>8 or x<1 or y>8 or y<1	  
        d = ABS(eqx - x) + ABS(equ - y)
        IF d * 30 > eng THEN
            dmg$ = "Energy available is insufficient for warp transit"
				gosub failsound
            eng = eng - d * 30
            dz = dz - d
            eqx = x
            eqy = y
            esx = INT(RND(1) * 8 + 1)
            esy = INT(RND(1) * 8 + 1)
            gosub buildasector
            dmg$ = "Record Ship Arrival"
				gosub goodsound
        END IF
    END IF
	 gosub mkstatus
	 gosub display
	 gosub twirly

	sound 500,5
	sound 200,10
	sleep .5

	sound 200,10
	sound 200,5
	sound 500,10
	sleep .5